Google's My Business

The Importance of Google’s My Business for Marketing Your Blog

Google’s My Business for small business owners is becoming increasingly more popular with everyday people who want to use a website to showcase their talents and skills. My Business is actually not your traditional website.Instead, it is a social networking site that gives small business owners the ability to market their skills and talents using the power of the web. It does this in a fun, easy, and fast way for even beginners to use the internet to generate leads for their businesses.

This is a very cool service that small business owners can get started with. Basically Google’s My Business offers you three free elements when you sign up for your account. These elements are a blog, a wall for publishing comments, and a voice board for communicating with other members. Within these three free elements, My Business offers a way for owners to market themselves, their skills, and their talents. I will go through each of these three components and explain how they can be used to market your business.

Blog :

  • A blog is very helpful because it allows you to update the blog regularly. Which keeps the content fresh and interesting. You can also easily notify others when blog posts are updated.
  • Other members of My Business can then read these blog posts and be notified of new content via a voice board.
  • When writing blog posts, keep it relevant to what your members need. Don’t try to write like you are the CEO of a big corporation, as this will drive away members.
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  • Another great feature of Google’s My Business is the wall. Here you can share pictures with other members, upload videos, and write any kind of message.
  • You can even turn your blog into a virtual office by putting in an area for answering phone calls and sharing messages. In addition, the wall is a great place to promote yourself and your products.
  • To promote yourself and your blog, there are several ways to go about it. You can set up a Google alert to everyone you come in contact with will be reminded to visit your blog. You can also post links to your blog on social media sites, or create a link from your My Business button on your website.
  • By sending out informative emails to your members and posting on your social media pages, you can boost the traffic to your blog and get them talking with other members.

Community Forum :

  • Another way that My Business gives you the opportunity to become a member and market your blog is through its community forum.
  • When visiting the forum, members will be able to introduce themselves, talk about their businesses, and network with each other.
  • This gives the business owner the chance to build better relationships with potential members, and network to help increase their exposure.

Google AdSense publisher credits :

  • The last way that My Business helps you promote your blog is by providing you with Google AdSense publisher credits. These credits are good for one click, which is all a business owner needs to get started with their advertising campaign.
  • `With these credits, a business owner can place ads on their blog site without having to spend any money to place the ads. Google will then pay the small business owner a percentage of the amount the ads were clicked on, based on how many people viewed the ads.
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With all the opportunities for the Internet to make money, there are few ways that small business owners have not taken advantage of it. One of the easiest ways for a small business owner to do this is through creating a blog. As the name may suggest, blogs allow you to talk about your small business and what you do in a regular basis. The key is to make sure that your blog is interesting enough for the reader to want to read it. If you take time to write interesting blogs related to your niche, you can begin to attract more readers and potential customers to your site.

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